Thursday, March 8, 2007

A View To A Cactus

These are some art projects i've done over the past 6 months or so. Of course they are all cactus related!
The first is a big canvas i painted, approx 4 feet by 3 feet, of an agave leaf. It's detail is a bit more prominent than the pattern really is. It looks more "Arty" that way :o)
I took this picture with my phone and it's not as sharp as i'd like it to be.
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Below is our back room between the toilet, the laundry, and the back door. We painted the room bright yellow. All it needed for a finishing touch was...a prickly pear cactus! It's about 5 1/2 feet tall. You can roughly see the size judging from Johns stinky-ass size 13 shoes.
This pic was taken with my phone too.
Below is a photo taken while the kids were playing with a big bubble blower. There were bubbles all over the back yard, but the one that stood out was this one. A bubble just sitting on all those prickles??? It looks really pretty! :o)
I wish that blasted weed wasn't sticking out at the right!


Below are two pictures i blogged about back in November on another blog.

I was going through some stuff and i found this green Christmas tree ball. I thought, "Heeyyy this looks like a funky space cactus!" And Taa Daa the disco cactus is born!!


I collect cactus "things". Anything to do with cactus, so needless to say, eBay is Johns worst nightmare! lol I have collected over the years some clothing tags that have cactus on them. And some cactus stamps from all over the world. [As well as lots of other kitch!]I've also collected tiny picture frames because as a hoarder, i knew i'd have a groovy use for them one day. Over the past few days i've painted the frames and put the cactus tags and some of my fav stamps in them. Then i hung them in the small wall space between Jason & ours room. Don't they just look awesome?!?!
[Except this pic was taken with the phone too!]


I'll post more art projects as i do them :o)

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