Monday, March 5, 2007

Who Are We?

Who Is The Cactus Patch?
Me, CactusFreek. My name is Sharron [Not Sharon, it rhymes with "Sarong"] and i am a stay-at-home mum who is obsessed with cactus! I collect cactus "Things" because we live in a climate that doesn't support a lot of cactus plants. I also run a cactus graphics website and i wear a cactus tattoo :o) I love gardening and most of my garden is succulents.
I work part time as a Mystery Shopper [Something like this] and i have a certificate 3 in childcare.
I'm a loud person who isn't very serious,mature or responsible. But i think i'm kinda fun to be with :o) I'm reliable and i'd do anything for anyone within reason.
I like car stuff, all kinds of music [except rap], thriller movies and messy art/craft stuff. John. John is the king of this castle. He rules the roost and what he says, goes. He's kinda quiet and responsible, sensible and an all 'round good guy! He is a quality control technition and he's very good at his job. He plays those dumb testosterone killing games [the game of the moment is World of Warcraft] and enjoys a beer with his TV [with the occasional foot rub]. He's my big cuddly teddy bear and i'd just die without him! Alix. Alix is my 14yo daughter from my previous marriage. [John and i have been married since Alix was 6] In January this year Alix decided to go and live with her father for 12 months [I call him the sperm doner] because like all teenagers, she didn't like the rules we wanted her to keep.
Alix is a very beautiful soul and i look forward to when we can be united again.
Rose. Rose is also from my previous marriage but John is the only dad she's ever known. She was 1yo when John and i got together. She is 10 now. Rose is the mischevious one who is always good for a laugh! She has an awesome sense of humour and i love having her around. But when she's in a bad mood, look out!
She is little miss socialite who is into fashion and freinds as a major priority. She loves animals and they love her. She has a problem with paper as she's crafty too, and always making or drawing something on her bedroom floor. She's also very messy. Mess just seems to follow her around!
Jason. Jason is the baby in the family at 7 years old. He has a speech delay problem and because of this he tends to get away with a lot more than he should! He is a maths & reading wiz and he can beat any console game he plays! I won't have violent games in the house for the kids to play, but we all like racing each other on Mario Kart etc.
We live in western NSW Australia, and we go to a Life More Abundant church.God is a big part of our lives, and a part of every aspect of our lives.
This blog is to record our life in photos.
That's us :o)


Cindy said...

Hi. I found your blog by chance, the "cactus" reference caught my eye. I like cacti too. Here's a link to an old blog post of mine with pictures of a really cool purple cactus.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Joy said...

I'm pretty sure we'd get along really well. I love the openess and warmth you express in this blog. Hopefully one day the Lord will see fit for our families to meet. Not as remote a possibility as you might think. My husband works in Australia on an oil rig in the Indian Ocean. He flies out of Perth to some other smaller town (can't remember the name) the takes a helio out to the rig. He's there every other month. He will be coming back to the states next week and will return to the "land down under" the 3rd week of April. We love the Lord and our lives are lived in service to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Julie said... name is Julie, from South Florida, USA. I found your blog by your cactus love...I too love them and also the succulents! I just finished looking at your whole blog. Lovely family!!! You are a special person...God runs glow! God bless you. Come see my succulents at