Thursday, March 29, 2007

Animal House

I thought i'd introduce you to the "Other people" in the Cactus Patch, who make our days enjoyable!
Below is Princess. She is our 4yo Pug, and she rules the roost. She's my walking buddy :o)

Below is the most recent addition to our home, Mr. Marbles He's the trouble maker amoungst the animals. If there's mischief to be had, He's there!
Below is Lotus. He's 11 years old and he has human preferance over all the animals. He kinda keeps to himself. He's not angry in this photo, just trying not to go to sleep lol.

Below is Billy. He's not our cat, He belongs to a nieghbour. But the nieghbour is hardly ever home so we kinda let him hang around when he's lonely. We have to keep him in line though, because he plays a little rough for our cats' liking!

Below is Peppy. She's just over a year old and only just growing out of that kitten stage and into the boring adult stage. She's a very unattractive cat to look at! But we love her :o)

Below is a common afternoon sight. There is Hamtaro, or "Hammers" the guinea pig. And Burny the rabbit. Burny got out of the cage a while ago and we couldn't catch her to get her back in. So we just let her hop around the yard. She doesn't get into much trouble, and she knows there'll be food & water for her near the cage each afternoon. Burny and Mr Marbles are great freinds. They chase each other around the yard, and are never far away from each other in the afternoons.
We have 3 chooks and a bird avery with Zebra finches and Budgies too. I forgot to take photos, but i will at a later date :o)

1 comment:

Moby Dick said...

You have a beautiful family of pets!