Friday, April 20, 2007

Autumn Spectrum

It's Autum here down under, and i love the changing trees!

Below is a picture i thought was interesting. The yellow tree standing in front of the red tree makes it look as though orange meets in between. Don't you think?

The photo below is me looking up into the tree. These trees look fantasic because the wood is almost black. And all the leaves turn this pale yellow at once. It's an awesome effect!

This is what the whole tree looks like, but it's colour is more brilliant in the sun.

Here is an awesome red tree. It was a more brilliant red when i took the photo. Not quite as burgundy. But it still looks lovely :o)


lalagirl said...

These pictures are beautiful! The colors are brilliant!

lalagirl said...

Since your blog only allows folks with Blogger accounts to comment, I used my old blogger account. It's Porky & Brownie's Mom over at